Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Introducing... Me!

First off,  I  think introductions are in order!

“Meet” me-  Allison!

I am a Kansas City native- Born and raised.  Currently, I live in downtown Kansas City’s Central Business district.  I love Kansas City and I love living and working downtown.  I am a single 25-year old “retired” model and advertising entrepreneur.  I very much consider myself a warm, loving person who is family oriented, eager to please, friendly, and more often than not- A person with a positive attitude and outlook on my life.

I have decided to start my very own blog in effort to expand my knowledge of digital multimedia.

Plus... I have been thinking for some time now (longer than I would like to admit) that it would be a fun hobby to pick up- So, Why not???

My goal is to build a home for publications of my interests, passions, personal style, and ambitions that I can share with others.

I know this intro has been short, sweet, and hopefully not TOO vague, but the important part is that I am getting my creative gears cranking and back in working order.

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I have always enjoyed frequenting other friend's blogs and I hope you find the same enjoyment out of mine. Please feel free to message me with any questions or just to say, "Hi"-  I love making new friends and I am happy and excited to connect with readers.